The RealSing Collective provides a means (via to identify, verify and certify recordings that utilize no vocal tuning or pitch alteration in the recording or mixing of lead/primary vocals. Certification is achieved when the vocalist, producer and engineer provide written authentication. The CD, Track, DVD, Live Event or Televised/Streaming Events are then issued RealSing™ packaging stickers, artwork and a certification number which is registered & listed on the website.

NOTE: The RealSing Council (see "about us") views vocal tuning and pitch modification as legitimate tools to enhance and manipulate the sound on recordings, not to mention assisting pitch challenged vocalists. However, lists only those recordings whose lead/primary vocals are recorded without these devices. If individual tracks on a CD or DVD utilize Auto-tune as an obvious aural "novelty" effect, as opposed to pitch modification then the RealSing collective will review those identified tracks and performances and render a final certification decision. Regardless of that determination, at least 80% of the recording's tracks must be deemed totally free of "novelty" auto-tune/vocal enhancement and 100% free of pitch correction to be eligible for certification. Individual tracks that utilize Auto-tune as a "novelty" effect are not eligible for RealSing certification. Live Events or Televised/Streaming Events that employ Auto-tune or pitch correction technology are not eligible for certification. RealSing™ is a myMuse LLC company.